Мъжът на Пейдж Ванзант стресна с положителна проба за COVID-19 (видео)

Пейдж Ванзант и съпругът Остин Вандерфорд имаха емоционалния няколко дни, след като той даде положителна проба за коронавирус.

Боецът от Белатор получи симптоми на COVID-19 във Флорида, където блондинката уреждаше преминаването си в Bare Knuckle Boxing. Състоянието му притесни двойката и те се подложиха на тестове за заболяването, като Ванзанд даде отрицателна проба, а Вандерфорд – положителна.

Малко по-късно Остин си направи втори тест, който излезе отрицателен, а трети потвърти резултата от предишния и двамата се разминаха само с уплаха от заболяването.

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Just crazy… This experience has definitely raised a ton of questions for me. On Wednesday I tested Positive for Covid. Along with my positive test, I started coming down with a “cold”. So it actually didn’t surprise me too much that I ended up testing positive. BUT to be sure we decided to get a 2nd (and 3rd) test because there had been some false positives (again, probably 6 hours after the test I started feeling run down and stuffed up). Anyways, the next two tests came the following days after the positive result. The 2nd test I got a “Negative for Covid” result. So with 1 positive and 1 negative we thought a 3rd would be good cause I was now legitimately sick. 3rd test back was Negative as well. It’s just wild to me that there are so many false positives (we also heard false negatives as well). If it wasn’t for our occupation and wondering when we could get back to training, I wouldn’t have taken a 2nd and 3rd test cause at this point I was sick and had a Positive test result ‍. It makes me wonder, how many situations like mine are out there. AND does my first positive test get counted as such? Stay safe YouTube.com/AKickassLoveStory

A post shared by Austin Vanderford (@austinv170mma) on Aug 16, 2020 at 4:18pm PDT

Вандерфорд не се е бил в Белатор от ноември 2019 г., като има зад гърба си 9 победи в 9 двубоя.
